Seeing Life Insurance as an Asset for Wealth Creation, Not Just an Expense
Steve Renault Steve Renault

Seeing Life Insurance as an Asset for Wealth Creation, Not Just an Expense

Life insurance is often perceived as a grudge purchase—something we all know we should have but hope never to use. However, this perspective overlooks the potential life insurance offers as part of a broader financial strategy. Young professionals, families, and individuals who understand life insurance as an asset can leverage it for wealth creation, adding significant value to their financial planning.

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Why Re-purchasing Your Term Life Insurance Before Expiration or Renewals Makes Financial Sense
Steve Renault Steve Renault

Why Re-purchasing Your Term Life Insurance Before Expiration or Renewals Makes Financial Sense

Life insurance is one of those things we don't like to think about but know we need. For those with term life insurance policies coming up on their expiration or renewal date, you're at a financial crossroads with a crucial decision to make. A simple application could save you thousands, as holding onto an old term policy could cost upwards of 3x as much for the same coverage you could be eligible for today. Re-purchasing your policy before it expires can save you a significant amount of money and provide peace of mind.

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Why Financial Planning is Imperative to Success
Steve Renault Steve Renault

Why Financial Planning is Imperative to Success

When we think of success, thoughts often dart to images of lavish lifestyles, groundbreaking business achievements, or significant contributions to society. Yet underpinning most success stories is a silent, unsung hero: financial planning. Far from the glitz and fanfare of success is the nuts and bolts of careful planning, without which goals are merely dreams, and peace of mind remains elusive.

Understanding the importance of financial planning is not just for the wealthy or the entrepreneur. It is a fundamental component to anyone aiming to control their economic destiny. So why is financial planning so critical to success, not just financially, but in all areas of life? Let's dive into the compelling reasons why getting to grips with your finances is non-negotiable.

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Finding the Right Financial Plan for a Better Tomorrow
Steve Renault Steve Renault

Finding the Right Financial Plan for a Better Tomorrow

Retirement planning is an important part of financial stability for any individual. It is essential to have a well-defined financial plan that includes a diverse portfolio mix. A balanced portfolio mix helps to reduce the financial risks and increase the potential for financial growth. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the overall portfolio mix, and how creating a personalized financial plan can benefit you.

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How to Achieve a Balanced Overall Portfolio Mix in Your Financial Plans
Steve Renault Steve Renault

How to Achieve a Balanced Overall Portfolio Mix in Your Financial Plans

Achieving a balanced overall portfolio mix in your financial plans is crucial to secure your financial future. This mix will help you diversify your investments and mitigate risks, ensuring that your moves are calculated and that you have the potential for long-term growth.

But where should you start when creating a balanced portfolio mix? In this blog post, we'll cover the main steps you need to take to have an effective overall financial plan and achieve a satisfactory retirement from your investments.

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Private Equity Investments: Key to a Well-Diversified Portfolio
Steve Renault Steve Renault

Private Equity Investments: Key to a Well-Diversified Portfolio

Private equity investments can be an essential component to constructing a well-rounded and diversified portfolio. These investments can generate higher returns, reduce dependency on traditional investments, and offer access to exclusive opportunities, as well as align with the needs of investors seeking substantial growth over an extended period.

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An Overview of Private Equity
Steve Renault Steve Renault

An Overview of Private Equity

Private equity is a form of alternative investment that involves purchasing and owning shares of privately-held companies. It is distinct from public equity, where companies trade their shares on stock exchanges. Private equity firms amass funds from diverse sources including pension funds, endowments, wealthy individuals, and institutional investors to create private equity funds. These funds are employed for the purchase of companies with significant growth potential or those undergoing substantial operational or financial changes.

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Diversification as a Guiding Compass
Steve Renault Steve Renault

Diversification as a Guiding Compass

Diversification is the practice of spreading your investments across different asset classes, sectors, geographic locations, and investment styles. The rationale behind diversification is simple: by investing in different areas, you spread out the risk and reduce the impact of any negative events on your portfolio.

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Life Milestones That May Change Your Financial Future
Steve Renault Steve Renault

Life Milestones That May Change Your Financial Future

Throughout life, there are several significant milestones that can impact our financial situation. These milestones can range from getting married, buying a home, having a baby, divorce, growing a business, retirement and inheriting wealth. Each of these events can have major financial implications, making it crucial to seek guidance and advice from a professional financial coach.

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Understanding Financial Stress and Tools to Help You Cope: A Guide for Canadians
Steve Renault Steve Renault

Understanding Financial Stress and Tools to Help You Cope: A Guide for Canadians

These steps, referred to as financial wellness, are intended to offer guidance and encouragement in the face of adversity. It is important to note that they are not meant to dismiss the present racial, gender, and other inequalities. Rather, financial wellness aims to empower individuals within the limits of their circumstances.

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Empowering Millennials in Financial Planning
Steve Renault Steve Renault

Empowering Millennials in Financial Planning

The harsh reality is that many Millennials are struggling with various financial challenges, ranging from record-high student loan debt to underemployment, stagnant wages, and the rising cost of living. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome these barriers and take control of your financial future. In this blog post, we will explore some practical tips and insights on how Millennials can empower themselves in financial planning, regardless of their income level or background.

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Why More People Are Buying Life Insurance Early
Steve Renault Steve Renault

Why More People Are Buying Life Insurance Early

If you're young and healthy, you may not think much about life insurance. After all, it's something you get when you're older, right? Not necessarily. More and more people are buying life insurance early, and for good reason. In this blog we’ll go over the benefits of buying life insurance at a young age and how you can potentially turn your life insurance policy into an asset instead of just an expense.

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Empowering Women Through Investing
Steve Renault Steve Renault

Empowering Women Through Investing

In recent years, we have witnessed a significant shift in female empowerment and gender equality in various aspects of life. One of the primary areas where we see this shift is in the financial world, where more women are taking hold of their financial future by starting and diversifying their investment portfolios. Investing is a powerful tool that can help women optimize their wealth and achieve long-term financial security. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of women investing and provide some tips on how to get started on your investment journey.

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Investing for the Future: Strategies for Building Long-Term Wealth
Steve Renault Steve Renault

Investing for the Future: Strategies for Building Long-Term Wealth

Building wealth over the long-term is a goal that is shared by many people, regardless of their background or lifestyle. Whether you're just starting out in your career or you're a seasoned professional, there are investment strategies that can help you achieve your long-term wealth-building goals. In this blog post, we will dive into some of the key investing strategies that can help you build wealth over time.

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How to Teach Your Children to Save
Steve Renault Steve Renault

How to Teach Your Children to Save

Are you looking for a way to show your children how to make the most of their money? Teaching them essential financial skills like saving is one of the most important things we can do as parents. It’s an invaluable lesson that helps shape habits and values throughout their entire lives! Although it may seem daunting, teaching children how to save money can be much simpler than you think. We’ve broken down this process into 4 easy steps so that any parent or family can start paving the path toward financial security today.

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How to enjoy life now while planning for financial freedom
Steve Renault Steve Renault

How to enjoy life now while planning for financial freedom

Do you ever feel like there’s never enough time and money to enjoy life? It can be hard to build up wealth and save for the future while still being able to fully experience the present. As a business owner, and financial professional, I want to make sure you don't miss out on either because success isn't just about having loads of cash in your pocket; it's also about feeling secure in your current situation while also planning for a successful financial future.

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8 Tax Tips for Canadian Small Businesses
Steve Renault Steve Renault

8 Tax Tips for Canadian Small Businesses

Are you a small business owner looking for ways to save on taxes? We get it - filing taxes can be time-consuming and expensive. But there are a few effective strategies that Canadian small businesses can use in order to reduce their tax bill and maximize savings. Here are 8 tax tips for Canadian small business tax savings.

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3 Key Points for Financial Literacy
Steve Renault Steve Renault

3 Key Points for Financial Literacy

April is Financial Literacy Month. Financial literacy is an important aspect of planning for a successful retirement. Here are three key points to keep in mind.

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